More characters show back up... including Toravel and uber-dickbabe, Jodie! With a little help from Toravel, she's finally learning how her power works... and from where it originates... and while she figures out how to get rid of her magical dick... she ends up with a completely new issue... and perhaps a new enemy... or two! Meanwhile, the unfortunate townsfolk shopping at the chain store continue to be toyed with my the creepy-creep... but things get out of hand quickly when he takes over Felicia in a bid to screw with Gwen. And last but not least, when the shit hits the fan, Sanderson's old lady finally makes an appearance and while she ain't shit for looks, her titties are gi-normous! And there's something going on between the two of them... something that Gwen is about to discover and it may end up leading her down an even darker road than she's already on! Spooge, milk, and plenty of expansion and flab along with an unhealthy dose of WTF?!? More freaky goodness from the twisted mind of OMad! Story & Art by OTTO MADDOX. |