Admiral Cox and her crew discover a traitor aboard the Acropolis...and further investigation reveals that their arrival at Galacticus was no accident and certainly no simple trick of fate. As Cox unfolds the layers of deceit within the Annanaki command, she decides to take matters into her own hands and act against the Psilon fleet herself before it disperses from the nearby nebula. Meanwhile, a new player, General Sobek arrives to rescue Inquisitor Cybele from Galacticus City before the next attack. Back on Heliopolis, the Emperor has departed in his own vessel, bound for Galacticus with the intent of stopping General Ervatus himself...but his prisoner, Satis has other plans for him. And no, despite too much dialogue and way too deep plots...I did not forget the bon-chiki-bon-bon! It's in there...wait for it...wait for it...there it is! As usual, more scifi goodness with too many titties...enjoy! Story & Art by JAG27. |